Research Awards and Recognition

External Awards

External awards at the provincial, national and international level provide opportunities to recognize USask faculty for their research, scholarly and artistic achievements.

If you are considering someone for an award, please let us know so we can track nominations and offer support.

Use the directory search below to filter the list by keyword, discipline, or award title. Please note the list below is not exhaustive and will continue to be updated.

*Information listed is subject to change. Always confirm on the sponsor website*

American Physical Society Prizes and Awards

Various awards and prizes available.

Discipline(s): science, physics

Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards

The Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards offers two $125,000 prizes each year to researchers who have had a positive international impact in promoting the understanding of food production, processing, distribution, consumption, safety, and/or human nutrition or who have helped improve nutritional health and/or food security to disadvantaged communities.

Discipline(s): food science, crop or livestock genetics, agro-ecology, pest management, supply chain management, soil health, human nutrition, food processing, food packaging, or food safety

Banting Medal for Scientific Achievement Award

The Banting Medal for Scientific Achievement is the highest scientific award of the American Diabetes Association.  Given in memory of Sir Frederick Banting, a medical scientist, doctor and Nobel laureate who is noted as one of the key investigators in the discovery of insulin, the Banting Medal is awarded annually to honor highly meritorious career achievement in the field of diabetes research. 

Discipline(s): diabetes research

Blue Planet Prize

In 1992, the year of the Earth Summit, the Asahi Glass Foundation established the Blue Planet Prize, an award presented to individuals or organizations from around the world in recognition of outstanding achievements in scientific research and its application that have helped provide solutions to global environmental problems. The Prize is offered in the hope of encouraging efforts to bring about the healing of the Earth's fragile environment.

Discipline(s): Open to all

Canada Council for the Arts Molson Prizes

The Canada Council for the Arts Molson Prizes are awarded to two persons – one in the arts and the other in the social sciences and humanities, who have distinguished themselves by their outstanding achievements. The prizes are intended to encourage ongoing contributions to Canada's cultural and intellectual heritage.

These prizes are administered by the Canada Council in collaboration with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The winners are chosen by a peer assessment committee, which is appointed jointly by the Canada Council and the SSHRC.

Discipline(s): Humanities, Social Sciences & Fine Arts

Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellowship

The Canadian Academy of Health Sciences brings together Canada’s top-ranked health and biomedical scientists and scholars to make a positive impact on the urgent health concerns of Canadians. These Fellows, drawn from all disciplines across our nation’s universities, healthcare and research institutes, evaluate Canada’s most complex health challenges and recommend strategic, actionable solutions. Elected Fellows will have demonstrated leadership, creativity, distinctive competencies & background, and a commitment to advance academic health science.

Discipline(s): health sciences, biomedical, social sciences, population health

Canadian Association of Geographers Awards

The Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) funds several awards for outstanding researchers in Canadian geography. Nominees must be current members of the CAG, except in the case of the Award for Geography in the Service of Government or Business.

Discipline(s): geography

Canadian Association of Physicists

Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) recognizes achievements across many branches of research in physics.

Discipline(s): science, physics

Canadian Mathematical Society Awards and Prizes

CMS Prizes and Awards recognize excellence in mathematical research and education, as well as outstanding contributions to the Canadian mathematical community.

Discipline(s): mathematics

Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation Awards

The Canadian Society for Clinical Studies (CSCI) strives to provide a voice for young clinician investigators in the early stages of their career, CIP trainees and MD/PhD students. Various awards are available.

Discipline(s): clinical health

Canadian Society of Zoologists Awards

The Canadian Society of Zoologists recognizes excellence in research. Many prizes and awards are given every year by the Zoological Education Trust (ZET) and the sections, members of the Society and CSZ.

Discipline(s): zoology

Chemical Institute of Canada Awards

The Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) recognizes outstanding contributions to research in the chemical sciences and engineering. 

Discipline(s): chemical sciences, engineering

Dorothy Killam Fellowship

The Dorothy Killam Fellowships provide support to scholars of exceptional ability by granting them time to pursue research projects of broad significance and widespread interest within the disciplines of the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, engineering or studies linking any of these disciplines.

Discipline(s): humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, engineering

Eni Award

An international award for research and technological innovation in the energy sector.

Discipline(s): applied scientific research into energy; sciences; engineering

Folger Institute Fellowships

Folger Institute fellowships support individual scholarly and artistic research that enriches and expands our understanding of the early modern world. We value research that grapples with tough historical questions and that engages with what primary sources both say and do not say in order to produce histories encompassing diverse regions, questions, and methods. The Folger Institute offers long-term fellowships for scholarly research and short-term fellowships for both scholarly and artistic research.

Discipline(s): Humanities, Social Sciences & Fine Arts

Fulbright Awards for Canadian Scholars

The Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program operates on the principle of reciprocal exchange and provides the opportunity for outstanding Canadian scholars to lecture and/or conduct research in the United States. Award recipients include prominent and promising scholars, as well as experienced professionals.

Discipline(s): Open to all

Gairdner Momentum Award

Two $50 000 awards given annually Mid-career investigators working in Canada who in their last 6 active years have produced exceptional scientific research contributions with continued potential for impact on human health. Submissions from all areas of health research welcome, including but not limited to discovery, clinical, global health, and population science and translational research. Secondary and self-nominations both accepted.

Discipline(s): health sciences

Geological Association of Canada Awards

The Geological Association of Canada funds numerous awards, including national awards, division and section awards, and service awards.

Discipline(s): geology

Governor General’s Innovation Awards

The objectives of the Governor General’s Innovation Awards are to celebrate excellence in innovation across all sectors of Canadian society and inspire Canadians, particularly Canadian youth, to be entrepreneurial innovators. The Awards are given to individuals, teams and/or organizations whose innovations are Truly exceptional; Transformative; and, Positive in their impact on quality of life in Canada. The awards are not intended for lifetime achievement or innovations that have not yet demonstrated impact. Rather, by recognizing active, current innovators across the breadth of our economy and society the Awards help foster an active culture that celebrates innovation that is having a meaningful impact on our lives.

Discipline(s): Open to all

Guggenheim Fellowships

Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for mid-career individuals who have demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts and exhibit great promise for their future endeavors. The Guggenheim Foundation offers fellowships to exceptional individuals in pursuit of scholarship in any field of knowledge and creation of any artform, under the freest possible conditions and irrespective of race, color, or creed.

Discipline(s): Humanities, Social Sciences & Fine Arts

Henry G. Friesen International Prize in Health Research

The Henry G. Friesen International Prize in Health Research was established in recognition of Dr. Friesen’s distinguished leadership, vision and innovative contributions to health research and health research policy. The award, announced each spring, supports an annual fall lecture or series of lectures by a worthy and accomplished speaker of international stature on topics related to the advancement of health research and its evolving contributions to society. The lecture endeavours to reach the broadest possible audience at major centres across Canada. The Prize provides a significant cash award and covers the travel and hospitality costs of the Honouree. The Prize is a joint project of Friends of CIHR with the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and financed through a fund established for that purpose. Broadcast partner is CBC Radio One.

Discipline(s): health research

Holberg Prize

The Holberg Prize is awarded annually to scholars who have made outstanding contributions to research in the arts and humanities, social sciences, law or theology - either within these fields or through interdisciplinary work. The prizewinner must have had a decisive influence on international research.

Discipline(s): Humanities, Social Sciences & Fine Arts

International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Distinguished Scientist Award

Science Awards Committee has the responsibility of selecting awardees from among the nominations of renowned scientists submitted by Association members. Various award categories exist. ONLY IADR members may be nominated.

Discipline: Dentistry

J. Allyn Taylor International Prize in Medicine

The J. Allyn Taylor International Prize in Medicine is one of Canada’s most prestigious medical research prizes. With a cash award of $50,000, the Taylor Prize acknowledges distinguished scientists for their transformative, career-defining work in basic sciences and translational research & innovations in medicine. Each year a different theme is chosen.

J. Tuzo Wilson Medal

The J. Tuzo Wilson Medal is given annually to recognize scientists who make outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge in any research area of the Canadian Geophysical Union (i.e., Solid Earth, Biogeosciences, Geodesy, Hydrology, or Earth Surface Processes). 

Discipline(s): Geohysical Science; Solid Earth, Biogeosciences, Geodesy, Hydrology, or Earth Surface Processes

Killam Prize

The Killam Prizes are awarded to active Canadian scholars who have distinguished themselves through sustained research excellence, making a significant impact in their respective fields in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, and engineering.

Discipline(s): humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, engineering

L'Oreal UNESCO For Women in Science International Awards

Created in 1998, the International Awards L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science honours - every year - 5 eminent women scientists from 5 regions of the world. Alternating every other year, these exceptional researchers are rewarded for their important contributions to the progress of science, either in Life sciences or in the fields of Physical sciences, Mathematics and Computer science. An award of €100,000 is given to each of the five laureates selected by a jury of internationally renowned experts.

Discipline(s): The scientific fields considered for the awards alternate every other year between Life Sciences (even years) and Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science (odd years).

L’Oréal Canada For Women in Science Research Excellence Fellowships 

The L’Oréal Canada For Women in Science Research Excellence Fellowships are supported by the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. The purpose of this fellowship program is to highlight the role of women in devising scientific solutions to problems confronting humankind in the 21st century. The program supports major research projects undertaken by women scientists at the postdoctoral level in Canada.

Discipline(s): Open to all with potential focus each year

NSERC Arthur B. McDonald Fellowships

Arthur B. McDonald Fellowships recognize early stage academic researchers in the natural sciences and engineering and support them to enhance their research capacity, so that they can become leaders in their field and inspire others. NSERC awards up to six McDonald Fellowships each year.

Discipline(s): natural sciences; engineering

NSERC Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering MPT

Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering recognizes outstanding Canadian teams of researchers from different disciplines who came together to engage in research drawing on their combined knowledge and skills, and produced a record of excellent achievements in the natural sciences and engineering.

Discipline(s): natural sciences; engineering

NSERC Donna Strickland Prize for Societal Impact of Natural Sciences and Engineering Research

The NSERC Donna Strickland Prize for Societal Impact of Natural Sciences and Engineering Research is awarded annually to an individual or team whose outstanding research, conducted in Canada in the natural sciences and engineering (NSE), has led to exceptional benefits for Canadian society, environment and/or economy.

Discipline(s): natural sciences; engineering

NSERC Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering BEd

The Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering is awarded annually to an individual whose body of work, conducted in Canada in the natural sciences for engineering, has demonstrated persistent excellence and influence.

Discipline(s): natural sciences; engineering

NSERC John C. Polanyi Award

Created in 2006, the NSERC John C. Polanyi Award is given to an individual or team whose research, conducted in Canada, has led to a recent outstanding advance in any NSERC-supported field of the natural sciences or engineering.

Discipline(s): natural sciences; engineering

NSERC Science Promotion

The NSERC Awards for Science Promotion honour individuals and groups who make an outstanding contribution to the promotion of science in Canada through activities encouraging popular interest in science or developing science abilities. Two recipients (one individual and one group) may be selected for the awards each year.

Discipline(s): natural sciences; engineering

NSERC Synergy Awards for Innovation

The annual Synergy Awards for Innovation recognize examples of collaboration that stand as models of effective partnership between partner organizations and colleges or universities.

Discipline(s): natural sciences; engineering

Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering

The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering (QEPrize) champions bold, groundbreaking engineering innovation which is of global benefit to humanity. The world’s leading award for engineers and engineering, the annual £500,000 prize promotes excellence in engineering and celebrates engineering’s visionaries. It inspires young minds to consider engineering as a career choice, and it encourages engineers to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Discipline(s): engineering

Ramon Margalef Prize

The Ramon Margalef Prize in Ecology is awarded annually to recognize an exceptional scientific career or discovery in the field of ecology or other environmental science. It is open to ecologists from anywhere in the world.

Discipline(s): ecology; science

Royal-Mach-Gaensslen Prize for Mental Health Research

The prestigious Royal-Mach-Gaensslen Prize for Mental Health Research is awarded each year to an outstanding rising star researcher in the field of mental health, to recognize, encourage and support them as they pursue their research interests and goals.

The annual national prize provides $100,000 in funding to Canadian early-career researchers with a demonstrated track record in research; excellence in scientific rigor, innovative thinking, imagination and originality; and a clear ability to work in partnership with other disciplines and/or research teams external to the institution with which they are affiliated.

Discipline(s): mental health research

Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists

The College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists is Canada’s first national system of multidisciplinary recognition for the emerging generation of Canadian intellectual leadership. It comprises a fourth entity (along with the current three Academies) within the Royal Society of Canada. The Members of the College are Canadians and Permanent Residents who, at an early stage in their career, have demonstrated a high level of achievement. The criteria for election is excellence, and membership is for seven years. 

Discipline(s): various

Royal Society of Canada Fellowship

Fellows of the RSC are distinguished Canadians from all branches of learning who have made remarkable contributions in the arts, the humanities and the sciences, as well as in Canadian public life.

Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation Awards MD

These awards are presented to two researchers, one who is a mid-career researcher (5-15 years from initial appointment) currently active in Saskatchewan and one senior researcher whose exemplary career achievements in Saskatchewan have inspired us with their drive, leadership and ingenuity.

It recognizes their work over their career to add to our collective knowledge and understanding, build up and lead the people and infrastructure that make excellent health research in Saskatchewan possible, and work to make a difference in health and health care in Saskatchewan and beyond.

Discipline(s): health research

Sloan Research Fellowships

These two-year, $75,000 fellowships are awarded yearly to early career researchers in recognition of distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field.

Discipline(s): chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, or a related field

Society of Toxicology of Canada Awards

The Society of Toxicology of Canada (STC)'s V. E. Henderson Award honours an individual who has made a significant contribution to the discipline of toxicology in Canada. Their Gabriel L. Plaa Award of Distinction recognizes those individuals who have made outstanding and sustained contributions to the science of toxicology in Canada and/or the Society of Toxicology of Canada.

Discipline(s): science, toxicology

SSHRC Impact Awards

The SSHRC Impact Awards recognize outstanding researchers and celebrate their achievements in research, research training, knowledge mobilization and outreach activities funded partially or completely by SSHRC. They include the Gold Medal, the Talent Award, the Insight Award, the Connection Award, and the Partnership Award.

USask is limited to one submission per award, so potential nominees must be considered internally prior to developing a full nomination package. Contact the awards team for more information.

Discipline(s): humanities, social sciences

The Huntington Fellowships

The Huntington Library awards over 150 research fellowships annually. Recipients of all fellowships are expected to be in continuous residence at The Huntington and to participate in, and make a contribution to, its intellectual life.

The Huntington is a collections-based research institute, which promotes humanities scholarship on the basis of its library holdings and art collections. The Library holds more than eleven million items that span the 11th to 21st centuries.

Discipline(s): humanities

Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement

Established in 1973 by the late John and Alice Tyler, the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement is one of the first international premier awards for environmental science, environmental health, and energy.

Recipients encompass the spectrum of environmental concerns, including environmental policy, health, air and water pollution, ecosystem disruption and loss of biodiversity, and energy resources.

Discipline(s): environmental sciences

Volvo Environment Prize

Since the first award in 1990 the Volvo Environment Prize has become one of the scientific world’s most respected environmental prizes.

Laureates represent all fields of environmental and sustainability studies and initiatives.

The Prize is awarded by an independent foundation. A Scientific Committee does the initial screening and evaluation of candidates. Internationally renowned scientists in the Prize Jury make the final selection of prize laureate.

The Prize is awarded annually and consists of a hand-crafted diploma, a glass sculpture and a cash award of SEK 1.5 million (approximately EUR 150,000 or USD 160,000). The award ceremony is held in Stockholm in November  each year.

Discipline(s): environmental sciences

World Cultural Council Awards

The World Cultural Council acknowledges individuals or institutions that have made outstanding achievements in science, education and the arts by granting the Albert Einstein World Award of Science, the José Vasconcelos World Award of Education and the Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts to eminent figures whose work has had a significantly positive impact on the cultural legacy of mankind. These prizes are widely recognized in the scientific, educational and arts communities.

The World Cultural Council annually organizes an Award Ceremony, at which these acknowledgements are granted to distinguished individuals or organizations. Each ceremony is held in a different country with a renowned university or institute acting as host.

Discipline(s): science, education, arts