Signature Areas of Research: Energy and Mineral Resources for a Sustainable Future

Developing clean energy and mineral solutions and working for equal access for all


As Saskatchewan and the world transition from fossil-fuel-based energy systems, innovative solutions are needed to meet energy needs in a sustainable manner that goes hand-in-hand with public policy development to ensure all communities receive equal access to affordable and secure energy sources.


Signature Area Lead:
Prof. Greg Poelzer (PhD)

Signature Area Lead:
Prof. Andrew Grosvenor (PhD)

About the Signature Area

From discovery research to practical applications, the University of Saskatchewan's (USask) Energy and Mineral Resources for a Sustainable Future Signature Area of Research is leveraging unprecedented opportunity, talent, infrastructure and partnerships to innovate and implement the energy and mineral solutions our world needs. As the global energy demand continues to grow in the midst of a pressing climate crisis, USask researchers are developing sustainable, equitable and feasible solutions to benefit both people and the planet. From ideas and technologies to public policy and implementation science, the work of this Signature Area is addressing the needs of both local and global communities.

The research being done today has the potential to make a profound impact on our future. This interdisciplinary work is supporting sustainable community development, advancing One Health applications and better securing the agricultural and food resources of tomorrow. Reflecting the work of researchers across a wide range of natural and social sciences, humanities and applied science, USask is driving global leadership across the sector. 


Notable Areas of Research

  • Accessible and sustainable energy solutions that engage and benefit rural, northern and Indigenous communities.
  • The advancement of nuclear science and technology toward cleaner energy and medical applications.
  • Critical mineral innovations to help meet international demands for low-carbon and renewable energy technologies and food production.

Signature Areas News
